Source code for flaskbb.core.auth.activation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Interfaces for handling account activation
    in FlaskBB

    :copyright: (c) 2014-2018 the FlaskBB Team
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class AccountActivator(ABC): """ Interface for managing account activation in installations that require a user to activate their account before using it. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def initiate_account_activation(self, user): """ This method is abstract. Used to extend an offer of activation to the user. This may take any form, but is recommended to take the form of a permanent communication such as email. This method may raise :class:`ValidationError<flaskbb.core.exceptions.ValidationError>` to communicate a failure when creating the token for the user to activate their account with (such as when a user has requested a token be sent to an email that is not registered in the installation or the account associated with that email has already been activated). :param user: The user that the activation request applies to. :type user: :class:`User<flaskbb.user.models.User>` """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def activate_account(self, token): """ This method is abstract. Used to handle the actual activation of an account. The token passed in is the serialized token communicated to the user to use for activation. This method may raise :class:`TokenError<flaskbb.core.tokens.TokenError>` or :class:`ValidationError<flaskbb.core.exceptions.ValidationError>` to communicate failures when parsing or consuming the token. :param str token: The raw serialized token sent to the user """ pass