Source code for flaskbb.plugins.spec

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    This module provides the core FlaskBB plugin hook definitions

    :copyright: (c) 2017 by the FlaskBB Team.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from pluggy import HookspecMarker

spec = HookspecMarker("flaskbb")

# Setup Hooks
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_extensions(app): """Hook for initializing any plugin loaded extensions."""
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_translations(): """Hook for registering translation folders."""
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_migrations(): """Hook for registering additional migrations."""
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_blueprints(app): """Hook for registering blueprints. :param app: The application object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_request_processors(app): """Hook for registering pre/post request processors. :param app: The application object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_errorhandlers(app): """Hook for registering error handlers. :param app: The application object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_jinja_directives(app): """Hook for registering jinja filters, context processors, etc. :param app: The application object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_additional_setup(app, pluggy): """Hook for any additional setup a plugin wants to do after all other application setup has finished. For example, you could apply a WSGI middleware:: @impl def flaskbb_additional_setup(app): app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app) :param app: The application object. :param pluggy: The pluggy object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_post_markdown_class(app): """ Hook for loading a mistune renderer child class in order to render markdown on posts and user signatures. All classes returned by this hook will be composed into a single class to render markdown for posts. Since all classes will be composed together, child classes should call super as appropriate and not add any new arguments to `__init__` since the class will be insantiated with predetermined arguments. Example:: class YellingRenderer(mistune.Renderer): def paragraph(self, text): return super(YellingRenderer, self).paragraph(text.upper()) @impl def flaskbb_load_post_markdown_class(): return YellingRenderer :param app: The application object associated with the class if needed :type app: Flask """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_nonpost_markdown_class(app): """ Hook for loading a mistune renderer child class in order to render markdown in locations other than posts, for example in category or forum descriptions. All classes returned by this hook will be composed into a single class to render markdown for nonpost content (e.g. forum and category descriptions). Since all classes will be composed together, child classes should call super as appropriate and not add any new arguments to `__init__` since the class will be insantiated with predetermined arguments. Example:: class YellingRenderer(mistune.Renderer): def paragraph(self, text): return super(YellingRenderer, self).paragraph(text.upper()) @impl def flaskbb_load_nonpost_markdown_class(): return YellingRenderer :param app: The application object associated with the class if needed :type app: Flask """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_post_markdown_plugins(plugins, app): """ Hook for loading mistune renderer plugins used when rendering markdown on posts and user signatures. Implementations should modify the `plugins` list directly. Example of adding plugins:: from mistune.plugins import plugin_abbr, plugin_table @impl def flaskbb_load_post_markdown_plugins(plugins): # add the built-in mistune table and abbr plugins plugins.extend([plugin_abbr, plugin_table]) Example of removing plugins:: from flaskbb.markup import plugin_userify @impl def flaskbb_load_post_markdown_plugins(plugins): try: # remove the FlaskBB user mention link plugin plugins.remove(plugin_userify) except ValueError: # other FlaskBB plugins might beat you to removing a plugin, # which is not an error. You should not raise an exception in # this case. pass :param plugins: List of mistune plugins to load. :type plugins: list :param app: The application object. :type app: Flask .. seealso:: Mistune plugin documentation. :data:`~flaskbb.markup.plugin_userify` FlaskBB-provided plugin that links user mentions to their profiles. :data:`~flaskbb.markup.DEFAULT_PLUGINS` List of plugins loaded by default. :func:`flaskbb_load_nonpost_markdown_plugins` Hook to modify the list of plugins for markdown rendering in non-post areas. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_load_nonpost_markdown_plugins(plugins, app): """ Hook for loading mistune renderer plugins used when rendering markdown in locations other than posts, for example in category or forum descriptions. Implementations should modify the `plugins` list directly. See :func:`flaskbb_load_post_markdown_plugins` for more details. :param plugins: List of mistune plugins to load. :type plugins: list :param app: The application object. :type app: Flask """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_cli(cli, app): """Hook for registering CLI commands. For example:: @impl def flaskbb_cli(cli): @cli.command() def testplugin(): click.echo("Hello Testplugin") return testplugin :param app: The application object. :param cli: The FlaskBBGroup CLI object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_shell_context(): """Hook for registering shell context handlers Expected to return a single callable function that returns a dictionary or iterable of key value pairs. """
# Event hooks
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_event_post_save_before(post): """Hook for handling a post before it has been saved. :param post: The post which triggered the event. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_event_post_save_after(post, is_new): """Hook for handling a post after it has been saved. :param post: The post which triggered the event. :param bool is_new: True if the post is new, False if it is an edit. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_event_topic_save_before(topic): """Hook for handling a topic before it has been saved. :param topic: The topic which triggered the event. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_event_topic_save_after(topic, is_new): """Hook for handling a topic after it has been saved. :param topic: The topic which triggered the event. :param bool is_new: True if the topic is new, False if it is an edit. """
# TODO(anr): When pluggy 1.0 is released, mark this spec deprecated
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_event_user_registered(username): """Hook for handling events after a user is registered .. warning:: This hook is deprecated in favor of :func:`~flaskbb.plugins.spec.flaskbb_registration_post_processor` :param username: The username of the newly registered user. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_gather_registration_validators(): """ Hook for gathering user registration validators, implementers must return a callable that accepts a :class:`~flaskbb.core.auth.registration.UserRegistrationInfo` and raises a :class:`~flaskbb.core.exceptions.ValidationError` if the registration is invalid or :class:`~flaskbb.core.exceptions.StopValidation` if validation of the registration should end immediatey. Example:: def cannot_be_named_fred(user_info): if user_info.username.lower() == 'fred': raise ValidationError(('username', 'Cannot name user fred')) @impl def flaskbb_gather_registration_validators(): return [cannot_be_named_fred] .. note:: This is implemented as a hook that returns callables since the callables are designed to raise exceptions that are aggregated to form the failure message for the registration response. See Also: :class:`~flaskbb.core.auth.registration.UserValidator` """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_registration_failure_handler(user_info, failures): """ Hook for dealing with user registration failures, receives the info that user attempted to register with as well as the errors that failed the registration. Example:: from .utils import fuzz_username def has_already_registered(failures): return any( attr = "username" and "already registered" in msg for (attr, msg) in failures ) def suggest_alternate_usernames(user_info, failures): if has_already_registered(failures): suggestions = fuzz_username(user_info.username) failures.append(("username", "Try: {}".format(suggestions))) @impl def flaskbb_registration_failure_handler(user_info, failures): suggest_alternate_usernames(user_info, failures) See Also: :class:`~flaskbb.core.auth.registration.RegistrationFailureHandler` """ # noqa
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_registration_post_processor(user): """ Hook for handling actions after a user has successfully registered. This spec receives the user object after it has been successfully persisted to the database. Example:: def greet_user(user): flash(_("Thanks for registering {}".format(user.username))) @impl def flaskbb_registration_post_processor(user): greet_user(user) See Also: :class:`~flaskbb.core.auth.registration.RegistrationPostProcessor` """ # noqa
[docs]@spec(firstresult=True) def flaskbb_authenticate(identifier, secret): """Hook for authenticating users in FlaskBB. This hook should return either an instance of :class:`flaskbb.user.models.User` or None. If a hook decides that all attempts for authentication should end, it may raise a :class:`flaskbb.core.exceptions.StopAuthentication` and include a reason why authentication was stopped. Only the first User result will used and the default FlaskBB authentication is tried last to give others an attempt to authenticate the user instead. See also: :class:`AuthenticationProvider<flaskbb.core.auth.AuthenticationProvider>` Example of alternative auth:: def ldap_auth(identifier, secret): "basic ldap example with imaginary ldap library" user_dn = "uid={},ou=flaskbb,dc=flaskbb,dc=org" try: ldap.bind(user_dn, secret) return User.query.join( UserLDAP ).filter( UserLDAP.dn==user_dn ).with_entities(User).one() except: return None @impl def flaskbb_authenticate(identifier, secret): return ldap_auth(identifier, secret) Example of ending authentication:: def prevent_login_with_too_many_failed_attempts(identifier): user = User.query.filter( db.or_( User.username == identifier, == identifier ) ).first() if user is not None: if has_too_many_failed_logins(user): raise StopAuthentication(_( "Your account is temporarily locked due to too many" " login attempts" )) @impl(tryfirst=True) def flaskbb_authenticate(user, identifier): prevent_login_with_too_many_failed_attempts(identifier) """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_post_authenticate(user): """Hook for handling actions that occur after a user is authenticated but before setting them as the current user. This could be used to handle MFA. However, these calls will be blocking and should be taken into account. Responses from this hook are not considered at all. If a hook should need to prevent the user from logging in, it should register itself as tryfirst and raise a :class:`flaskbb.core.exceptions.StopAuthentication` and include why the login was prevented. See also: :class:`PostAuthenticationHandler<flaskbb.core.auth.PostAuthenticationHandler>` Example:: def post_auth(user): today = utcnow() if is_anniversary(today, user.date_joined): flash(_("Happy registerversary!")) @impl def flaskbb_post_authenticate(user): post_auth(user) """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_authentication_failed(identifier): """Hook for handling authentication failure events. This hook will only be called when no authentication providers successfully return a user or a :class:`flaskbb.core.exceptions.StopAuthentication` is raised during the login process. See also: :class:`AuthenticationFailureHandler<flaskbb.core.auth.AuthenticationFailureHandler>` Example:: def mark_failed_logins(identifier): user = User.query.filter( db.or_( User.username == identifier, == identifier ) ).first() if user is not None: if user.login_attempts is None: user.login_attempts = 1 else: user.login_attempts += 1 user.last_failed_login = utcnow() """
[docs]@spec(firstresult=True) def flaskbb_reauth_attempt(user, secret): """Hook for handling reauth in FlaskBB These hooks receive the currently authenticated user and the entered secret. Only the first response from this hook is considered -- similar to the authenticate hooks. A successful attempt should return True, otherwise None for an unsuccessful or untried reauth from an implementation. Reauth will be considered a failure if no implementation return True. If a hook decides that a reauthenticate attempt should cease, it may raise StopAuthentication. See also: :class:`ReauthenticateProvider<flaskbb.core.auth.ReauthenticateProvider>` Example of checking secret or passing to the next implementer:: @impl def flaskbb_reauth_attempt(user, secret): if check_password(user.password, secret): return True Example of forcefully ending reauth:: @impl def flaskbb_reauth_attempt(user, secret): if user.login_attempts > 5: raise StopAuthentication( _("Too many failed authentication attempts") ) """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_post_reauth(user): """Hook called after successfully reauthenticating. These hooks are called a user has passed the flaskbb_reauth_attempt hooks but before their reauth is confirmed so a post reauth implementer may still force a reauth to fail by raising StopAuthentication. Results from these hooks are not considered. See also: :class:`PostReauthenticateHandler<flaskbb.core.auth.PostAuthenticationHandler>` """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_reauth_failed(user): """Hook called if a reauth fails. These hooks will only be called if no implementation for flaskbb_reauth_attempt returns a True result or if an implementation raises StopAuthentication. If an implementation raises ForceLogout it should register itself as trylast to give other reauth failed handlers an opprotunity to run first. See also: :class:`ReauthenticateFailureHandler<flaskbb.core.auth.ReauthenticateFailureHandler>` """
# Form hooks
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_form_post(form): """Hook for modifying the :class:``. For example:: @impl def flaskbb_form_post(form): form.example = TextField("Example Field", validators=[ DataRequired(message="This field is required"), Length(min=3, max=50)]) :param form: The :class:`` class. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_form_post_save(form, post): """Hook for modifying the :class:``. This hook is called while populating the post object with the data from the form. The post object will be saved after the hook call. :param form: The form object. :param post: The post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_form_topic(form): """Hook for modifying the :class:`` For example:: @impl def flaskbb_form_topic(form): form.example = TextField("Example Field", validators=[ DataRequired(message="This field is required"), Length(min=3, max=50)]) :param form: The :class:`` class. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_form_topic_save(form, topic): """Hook for modifying the :class:``. This hook is called while populating the topic object with the data from the form. The topic object will be saved after the hook call. :param form: The form object. :param topic: The topic object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_form_registration(form): """ Hook for modifying the :class:`~flaskbb.auth.forms.RegisterForm`. :param form: The form class """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_gather_password_validators(app): """ Hook for gathering :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetValidator` instances specialized for handling :class:`~flaskbb.core.user.update.PasswordUpdate` This hook should return an iterable:: class NotLongEnough(ChangeSetValidator): def __init__(self, min_length): self._min_length = min_length def validate(self, model, changeset): if len(changeset.new_password) < self._min_length: raise ValidationError( "new_password", "Password must be at least {} characters ".format( self._min_length ) ) @impl def flaskbb_gather_password_validators(app): return [NotLongEnough(app.config['MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH'])] :param app: The current application """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_gather_email_validators(app): """ Hook for gathering :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetValidator` instances specialized for :class:`~flaskbb.core.user.update.EmailUpdate`. This hook should return an iterable:: class BlackListedEmailProviders(ChangeSetValidator): def __init__(self, black_list): self._black_list = black_list def validate(self, model, changeset): provider = changeset.new_email.split('@')[1] if provider in self._black_list: raise ValidationError( "new_email", "{} is a black listed email provider".format(provider) ) @impl def flaskbb_gather_email_validators(app): return [BlackListedEmailProviders(app.config["EMAIL_PROVIDER_BLACK_LIST"])] :param app: The current application """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_gather_details_update_validators(app): """ Hook for gathering :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetValidator` instances specialized for :class:`~flaskbb.core.user.update.UserDetailsChange`. This hook should return an iterable:: class DontAllowImageSignatures(ChangeSetValidator): def __init__(self, renderer): self._renderer = renderer def validate(self, model, changeset): rendered = self._renderer.render(changeset.signature) if '<img' in rendered: raise ValidationError("signature", "No images allowed in signature") @impl def flaskbb_gather_details_update_validators(app): renderer = app.pluggy.hook.flaskbb_load_nonpost_markdown_class() return [DontAllowImageSignatures(renderer())] :param app: The current application """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_details_updated(user, details_update): """ Hook for responding to a user updating their details. This hook is called after the details update has been persisted. See also :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetPostProcessor` :param user: The user whose details have been updated. :param details_update: The details change set applied to the user. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_password_updated(user): """ Hook for responding to a user updating their password. This hook is called after the password change has been persisted:: @impl def flaskbb_password_updated(app, user): send_email( "Password changed", [], text_body=..., html_body=... ) See also :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetPostProcessor` :param user: The user that updated their password. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_email_updated(user, email_update): """ Hook for responding to a user updating their email. This hook is called after the email change has been persisted:: @impl def flaskbb_email_updated(app): send_email( "Email changed", [email_change.old_email], text_body=..., html_body=... ) See also :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetPostProcessor`. :param user: The user whose email was updated. :param email_update: The change set applied to the user. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_settings_updated(user, settings_update): """ Hook for responding to a user updating their settings. This hook is called after the settings change has been persisted. See also :class:`~flaskbb.core.changesets.ChangeSetPostProcessor` :param user: The user whose settings have been updated. :param settings: The settings change set applied to the user. """
# Template Hooks
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_navigation_before(): """Hook for registering additional navigation items. in :file:`templates/layout.html`. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_navigation_after(): """Hook for registering additional navigation items. in :file:`templates/layout.html`. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_user_nav_loggedin_before(): """Hook for registering additional user navigational items which are only shown when a user is logged in. in :file:`templates/layout.html`. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_user_nav_loggedin_after(): """Hook for registering additional user navigational items which are only shown when a user is logged in. in :file:`templates/layout.html`. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_registration_before(form): """This hook is emitted in the Registration form **before** the first input field but after the hidden CSRF token field. in :file:`templates/auth/register.html`. :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_registration_after(form): """This hook is emitted in the Registration form **after** the last input field but before the submit field. in :file:`templates/auth/register.html`. :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_user_details_before(form): """This hook is emitted in the Change User Details form **before** an input field is rendered. in :file:`templates/user/change_user_details.html`. :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_user_details_after(form): """This hook is emitted in the Change User Details form **after** the last input field has been rendered but before the submit field. in :file:`templates/user/change_user_details.html`. :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_profile_settings_menu(user): """This hook is emitted on the user settings page in order to populate the side bar menu. Implementations of this hook should return a list of tuples that are view name and display text. The display text will be provided to the translation service so it is unnecessary to supply translated text. A plugin can declare a new block by setting the view to None. If this is done, consider marking the hook implementation with `trylast=True` to avoid capturing plugins that do not create new blocks. For example:: @impl(trylast=True) def flaskbb_tpl_profile_settings_menu(): return [ (None, 'Account Settings'), ('user.settings', 'General Settings'), ('user.change_user_details', 'Change User Details'), ('user.change_email', 'Change E-Mail Address'), ('user.change_password', 'Change Password') ] Hookwrappers for this spec should not be registered as FlaskBB supplies its own hookwrapper to flatten all the lists into a single list. in :file:`templates/user/settings_layout.html` .. versionchanged:: 2.1.0 The user param. Typically this will be the current user but might not always be the current user. :param user: The user the settings menu is being rendered for. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_admin_settings_menu(user): """This hook is emitted in the admin panel and used to add additional navigation links to the admin menu. Implementations of this hook should return a list of tuples that are view name, display text and optionally an icon. The display text will be provided to the translation service so it is unnecessary to supply translated text. For example:: @impl(trylast=True) def flaskbb_tpl_admin_settings_menu(): # only add this item if the user is an admin if Permission(IsAdmin, identity=current_user): return [ ("myplugin.foobar", "Foobar", "fa fa-foobar") ] Hookwrappers for this spec should not be registered as FlaskBB supplies its own hookwrapper to flatten all the lists into a single list. in :file:`templates/management/management_layout.html` :param user: The current user object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_admin_settings_sidebar(user): """This hook is emitted in the admin panels setting tab and used to add additional navigation links to the sidebar settings menu. Implementations of this hook should return a list of tuples that are view name and display text. The display text will be provided to the translation service so it is unnecessary to supply translated text. For example:: @impl(trylast=True) def flaskbb_tpl_admin_settings_menu(): return [ ("myplugin.foobar", "Foobar") ] Only admins can view the Settings tab. Hookwrappers for this spec should not be registered as FlaskBB supplies its own hookwrapper to flatten all the lists into a single list. in :file:`templates/management/settings.html` :param user: The current user object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_profile_sidebar_stats(user): """This hook is emitted on the users profile page below the standard information. For example, it can be used to add additional items such as a link to the profile. in :file:`templates/user/profile_layout.html` :param user: The user object for whom the profile is currently visited. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_post_author_info_before(user, post): """This hook is emitted before the information about the author of a post is displayed (but after the username). in :file:`templates/forum/topic.html` :param user: The user object of the post's author. :param post: The post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_post_author_info_after(user, post): """This hook is emitted after the information about the author of a post is displayed (but after the username). in :file:`templates/forum/topic.html` :param user: The user object of the post's author. :param post: The post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_post_content_before(post): """Hook to do some stuff before the post content is rendered. in :file:`templates/forum/topic.html` :param post: The current post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_post_content_after(post): """Hook to do some stuff after the post content is rendered. in :file:`templates/forum/topic.html` :param post: The current post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_post_menu_before(post): """Hook for inserting a new item at the beginning of the post menu. in :file:`templates/forum/topic.html` :param post: The current post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_post_menu_after(post): """Hook for inserting a new item at the end of the post menu. in :file:`templates/forum/topic.html` :param post: The current post object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_topic_controls(topic): """Hook for inserting additional topic moderation controls. in :file:`templates/forum/topic_controls.html` :param topic: The current topic object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_new_post_before(form): """Hook for inserting a new form field before the first field is rendered. For example:: @impl def flaskbb_tpl_form_new_post_after(form): return render_template_string( \""" <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-xs-12"> <label>{{ form.example.label.text }}</label> {{ form.example(class="form-control", placeholder=form.example.label.text) }} {%- for error in form.example.errors -%} <span class="help-block">{{error}}</span> {%- endfor -%} </div> </div> \""" in :file:`templates/forum/new_post.html` :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_new_post_after(form): """Hook for inserting a new form field after the last field is rendered (but before the submit field). in :file:`templates/forum/new_post.html` :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_new_topic_before(form): """Hook for inserting a new form field before the first field is rendered (but before the CSRF token). in :file:`templates/forum/new_topic.html` :param form: The form object. """
[docs]@spec def flaskbb_tpl_form_new_topic_after(form): """Hook for inserting a new form field after the last field is rendered (but before the submit button). in :file:`templates/forum/new_topic.html` :param form: The form object. """