Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Validators for use with user services.

    :copyright: (c) 2018 the Flaskbb Team.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details

import attr
from flask_babelplus import gettext as _
from requests.exceptions import RequestException
from ...core.changesets import ChangeSetValidator
from sqlalchemy import func

from ...core.exceptions import StopValidation, ValidationError
from ...utils.helpers import check_image

[docs]@attr.s(eq=False, order=False, hash=False, frozen=True, repr=True) class CantShareEmailValidator(ChangeSetValidator): """ Validates that the new email for the user isn't currently registered by another user. """ users = attr.ib() def validate(self, model, changeset): others = self.users.query.filter( !=, func.lower( == changeset.new_email, ).count() if others != 0: raise ValidationError( "new_email", _("%(email)s is already registered", email=changeset.new_email), )
[docs]class OldEmailMustMatch(ChangeSetValidator): """ Validates that the email entered by the user is the current email of the user. """ def validate(self, model, changeset): if != changeset.old_email: raise StopValidation([("old_email", _("Old email does not match"))])
[docs]class EmailsMustBeDifferent(ChangeSetValidator): """ Validates that the new email entered by the user isn't the same as the current email for the user. """ def validate(self, model, changeset): if == changeset.new_email: raise ValidationError("new_email", _("New email address must be different"))
[docs]class PasswordsMustBeDifferent(ChangeSetValidator): """ Validates that the new password entered by the user isn't the same as the current email for the user. """ def validate(self, model, changeset): if model.check_password(changeset.new_password): raise ValidationError("new_password", _("New password must be different"))
[docs]class OldPasswordMustMatch(ChangeSetValidator): """ Validates that the old password entered by the user is the current password for the user. """ def validate(self, model, changeset): if not model.check_password(changeset.old_password): raise StopValidation([("old_password", _("Old password is wrong"))])
[docs]class ValidateAvatarURL(ChangeSetValidator): """ Validates that the target avatar url currently meets constraints like height and width. .. warning:: This validator only checks the **current** state of the image however if the image at the URL changes then this isn't re-run and the new image could break these contraints. """ def validate(self, user, details_change): if not details_change.avatar: return try: error, ignored = check_image(details_change.avatar) if error: raise ValidationError("avatar", error) except RequestException: raise ValidationError("avatar", _("Could not retrieve avatar"))