Command Line Interface

Here you can find the documentation about FlaskBB’s Command Line Interface.

To get help for a commands, just type flaskbb COMMAND --help. If no command options or arguments are used it will display all available commands.

Usage: flaskbb [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  This is the commandline interface for flaskbb.

  --config CONFIG  Specify the config to use in dotted module notation e.g.
  --version        Show the FlaskBB version.
  --help           Show this message and exit.

  celery           Preconfigured wrapper around the 'celery' command.
  db               Perform database migrations.
  download-emojis  Downloads emojis from
  install          Installs flaskbb.
  makeconfig       Generates a FlaskBB configuration file.
  plugins          Plugins command sub group.
  populate         Creates the necessary tables and groups for FlaskBB.
  reindex          Reindexes the search index.
  run              Runs a development server.
  shell            Runs a shell in the app context.
  start            Starts a production ready wsgi server.
  themes           Themes command sub group.
  translations     Translations command sub group.
  upgrade          Updates the migrations and fixtures.
  urls             Show routes for the app.
  users            Create, update or delete users.


Here you will find a detailed description of every command including all of their options and arguments.

flaskbb install

Installs flaskbb. If no arguments are used, an interactive setup will be run.

--welcome, -w

Disables the generation of the welcome forum.

--force, -f

Doesn’t ask for confirmation if the database should be deleted or not.

--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME

The username of the user.

--email EMAIL, -e EMAIL

The email address of the user.

--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD

The password of the user.

--group GROUP, -g GROUP

The primary group of the user. The group GROUP has to be one of admin, super_mod, mod or member.

flaskbb upgrade

Updates the migrations and fixtures.

--all, -a

Upgrades migrations AND fixtures to the latest version.

--fixture FIXTURE, -f FIXTURE

The fixture which should be upgraded or installed. All fixtures have to be places inside flaskbb/fixtures/

--force-fixture, -ff

Forcefully upgrades the fixtures. WARNING: This will also overwrite any settings.

flaskbb populate

Creates the necessary tables and groups for FlaskBB.

--test-data, -t

Adds some test data.

--bulk-data, -b

Adds a lot of test data. Has to be used in combination with --posts and --topics.


Number of posts to create in each topic (default: 100).


Number of topics to create (default: 100).

--force, -f

Will delete the database without asking before populating it.

--initdb, -i

Initializes the database before populating it.

flaskbb runserver

Starts the development server

flaskbb start

Starts a production ready wsgi server. Other versions of starting FlaskBB are still supported!

--server SERVER, -s SERVER
Defaults to gunicorn. The following WSGI Servers are supported:
  • gunicorn (default)
  • gevent
--host HOST, -h HOST

The interface to bind FlaskBB to. Defaults to

--port PORT, -p PORT

The port to bind FlaskBB to. Defaults to 8000.

--workers WORKERS, -w WORKERS

The number of worker processes for handling requests. Defaults to 4.

--daemon, -d

Starts gunicorn in daemon mode.

--config, -c

The configuration file to use for the FlaskBB WSGI Application.

flaskbb celery CELERY_ARGS

Starts celery. This is just a preconfigured wrapper around the celery command. Additional arguments are directly passed to celery.


Shows the celery help message.

flaskbb shell

Creates a python shell with an app context.

flaskbb urls

Lists all available routes.

--route, -r

Order by route.

--endpoint, -e

Order by endpoint

--methods, -m

Order by methods

flaskbb makeconfig

Generates a FlaskBB configuration file.

--development, -d

Creates a development config with DEBUG set to True.

--output, -o

The path where the config file will be saved at. Defaults to the flaskbb’s root folder.

--force, -f

Overwrites any existing config file, if one exsits, WITHOUT asking.

flaskbb reindex

Reindexes the search index.

flaskbb translations

Translations command sub group.


Adds a new language to FlaskBB’s translations. The LANGUAGE_CODE is the short identifier for the language i.e. ‘en’, ‘de’, ‘de_AT’, etc.


Adds a new language to a plugin.


Updates the translations.

--all, -a

Updates all translations, including the ones from the plugins.


Update the language of the given plugin.


Compiles the translations.

--all, -a

Compiles all translations, including the ones from the plugins.


Compiles only the given plugin translation.

flaskbb plugins

Plugins command sub group.


Creates a new plugin based on the cookiecutter plugin template. Defaults to this template: It will either accept a valid path on the filesystem or a URL to a Git repository which contains the cookiecutter template.


Installs a plugin by using the plugin’s identifier.


Uninstalls a plugin by using the plugin’s identifier.


Removes a plugin from the filesystem by using the plugin’s identifier.

describe:: –force, -f

Removes the plugin without asking for confirmation first.

Lists all installed plugins.

flaskbb themes

Themes command sub group.


Creates a new theme based on the cookiecutter theme template. Defaults to this template: It will either accept a valid path on the filesystem or a URL to a Git repository which contains the cookiecutter template.


Removes a theme from the filesystem by the theme’s identifier.


Lists all installed themes.

flaskbb users

Creates a new user. If an option is missing, you will be interactivly prompted to type it.


Creates a new user.

--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME

The username of the user.

--email EMAIL, -e EMAIL

The email address of the user.

--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD

The password of the user.

--group GROUP, -g GROUP

The primary group of the user. The group GROUP has to be one of admin, super_mod, mod or member.


Updates an user.

--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME

The username of the user.

--email EMAIL, -e EMAIL

The email address of the user.

--password PASSWORD, -p PASSWORD

The password of the user.

--group GROUP, -g GROUP

The primary group of the user. The group GROUP has to be one of admin, super_mod, mod or member.

--username USERNAME, -u USERNAME

The username of the user.

--force, -f

Removes the user without asking for confirmation first.