.. _startup_hooks: .. currentmodule:: flaskbb.plugins.spec Application Startup Hooks ========================= Application startup hooks are called when the application is created, either through a WSGI server (uWSGI or gunicorn for example) or by the ``flaskbb`` command. Unless noted, all FlaskBB hooks are called after the relevant builtin FlaskBB setup has run (e.g. ``flaskbb_load_blueprints`` is called after all standard FlaskBB blueprints have been loaded). The hooks below are listed in the order they are called. .. autofunction:: flaskbb_extensions .. autofunction:: flaskbb_load_blueprints .. autofunction:: flaskbb_jinja_directives .. autofunction:: flaskbb_request_processors .. autofunction:: flaskbb_errorhandlers .. autofunction:: flaskbb_load_migrations .. autofunction:: flaskbb_load_translations .. autofunction:: flaskbb_load_post_markdown_class .. autofunction:: flaskbb_load_nonpost_markdown_class .. autofunction:: flaskbb_additional_setup