Core Exceptions

These are exceptions that aren’t specific to any one part of FlaskBB and are used ubiquitously.

exception flaskbb.core.exceptions.BaseFlaskBBError

Root exception for FlaskBB.

exception flaskbb.core.exceptions.ValidationError(attribute, reason)

Used to signal validation errors for things such as token verification, user registration, etc.

  • attribute (str) – The attribute the validation error applies to, if the validation error applies to multiple attributes or to the entire object, this should be set to None
  • reason (str) – Why the attribute, collection of attributes or object is invalid.
exception flaskbb.core.exceptions.StopValidation(reasons)

Raised from validation handlers to signal that validation should end immediately and no further processing should be done.

Can also be used to communicate all errors raised during a validation run.

Parameters:reasons – A sequence of (attribute, reason) pairs explaining why the object is invalid.