
Releases for FlaskBB can be found on pypi as well as on github.

FlaskBB loosely follows semantic versioning (semver) where all releases in each major version strive to be backwards compatible, though sometimes this will be broken in order to apply a bugfix or security patch. When this occurs the release notes will contain information about this.

Releases follow no particular cadence.

Branching and Tagging

Each release of FlaskBB will have a git tag such as v2.0.0 as well as a branch such as 2.0.0. Minor releases and patches reside in their major version branch (e.g. version 2.0.1 resides in the 2.0.0 branch).

The master branch is always the latest version of FlaskBB and versions are cut from this branch.

Feature and example branches may also be found in the official FlaskBB repo but these are not considered release ready and may be unstable.

Deprecation Policy

A release of FlaskBB may deprecate existing features and begin emitting FlaskBBDeprecation warnings.

These warnings are on by default and will announce for the first time each deprecated usage is detected. If you want to ignore these warnings, this behavior can be modified by setting DEPRECATION_LEVEL in your configuration file or setting FLASKBB_DEPRECATION_LEVEL in your environment to a level from the builtin warnings module.

For more details on interacting with warnings see the official documentation on warnings.

In general, a feature deprecated in a release will not be fully removed until the next major version. For example, a feature deprecated in 2.1.0 would not be removed until 3.0.0. There may be exceptions to this, such as if a deprecated feature is found to be a security risk.


If you are developing on FlaskBB the level for FlaskBBDeprecation warnings is always set to error when running tests to ensure that deprecated behavior isn’t being relied upon. If you absolutely need to downgrade to a non-exception level, use pytest’s recwarn fixture and set the level with warnings.simplefilter

For more details on using deprecations in plugins or extensions, see Deprecation Helpers.